Learning to Teach Also Teaching to Learn
OMLTA 2014
Thank you for attending my workshop! Here is what we had a look at together:
ahhh Selena!
Eres un hipster infografía
This week's topic for Cuéntanos is "El momento más embarazoso de mi vida..." Naturally I started it all of, although I won...
¿Cómo se dice pen en español?
El Pretérito de la Clase
Every year around this time I end up teaching the Pretérito to my Grade 11 Spanish class, and amongst the various practice exercises, I cust...
The Running of the Bulls- Improv Everywhere
I love this group! They have some fantastic ideas for improv situations and everything they do just makes you smile, if not bust a gut laugh...
Dijó ningún estudiante nunca
Here are some of my students thoughts.
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